Adventure Activity in Rishikesh

Wildezone adventure Provides facilties of White Water Rafting covering Rapids like Sweet Sixteen(Grade-1),Marrine Drive(Grade-2),Tree Blind Mice(Grade-4).Grade -4 Rapids are Undertaken of the River Guide. River Rafting in Ganges is a one of its kind expericence the best way to understand these words is exhilarating inspirational and challenging is to go and feel through it yourself… relax.
We have cliff jumping points ranging from 5ft to about 40 ft all along by the river side at the camp. Cliff jumping at the camp is with lifejackets, to keep you safe and encourage even the non swimmers, and in the presence of a safety kayaker to bring you back to shore. As an activity, it is an exhilerating experience as well as a challenge, leading to a great sense of achievement and overcoming fear.

A small city in the state of Uttaranchal, Rishikesh is adorned with unbounded naturalsplendour and breathtaking views that will leave you mesmerised. It is a great choice for people who love to trek or go for nature walks. There are different tracks available according to your preference for time, length and terrain. You can opt for difficult paths that challenge you to test your endurance and survival skills or leisurely walks that give you an up-close view of the incredible scenery of the city.

Unique to the camp, the hike to the water fall is an activity that truly makes the stay at camp unforgettable. A walk upstream in knee deep flowing water to reach a short 6 foot high waterfall, climbing over it with the help of a rope fighting against a hard current and then wading through to reach a larger waterfall is an experience that one will remember for a long time to come.
All along the Road up in the Mountains there are Hidden Waterfall,Some perennials,Some Seaonal.You Can Ask anyone of the many falla that we have Located in Case Waterfalls are fascination.

Evening campfires are a tradition at the cottage and we have a dedicated cottage fire area to gather in the evenings. We serve complimentary snacks at the bonfire and also offer vegetarian and non vegetarian barbeques on order.
Loosen up in the evening with the hips swinging and singing session complete with bonefire at the camp...

Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that tests the participant’s strength, endurance, agility, and balance along with his or her mental control and determination.
Rishikesh is enjoyed by both the young and the young at heart. The sport of rock climbing has different definitions for everyone. for some, the adventure means challenging their stamina and strength. For others it is a way to announce the joy of arrival, calling out to the world and saying : “Hey! I am arrived”. During your holidays in Rishikesh, you can choose to have this wonderful feeling. We really like to see you feel that adrenaline rush, with the elements of fun never missing...

Rendezvous Rafters Camp offer first fixed platform BUNGY (Bungee) Rishikesh India. A Cantilever platform built over a rocky cliff over looking a rocky river HALL, a tributory of River Ganga. Jump with rubber chords tied to your ankle and feel the adrenalin rush like never before. Bungee Jump Height - 83 MTRS

 The Bungee has been designed by David Allardice of New Zealand. Jump Masters flown in from New Zealand to operate the Bungee. After the Jump, the Jumpers are lowered down to a drop zone in the river which has only 2 ft of water. Walk up to the cafeteria and enjoy watching your photographs & video of the jump. Don’t forget to collect your Dare to Jump Certificate.

Minimum Requirements:
Age: Minimum -12 year
Weight: Minimum – 35 kg and Maximum – 120 kg

Rendezvous Rafters Camp